Our Mission

Witness for Peace Southwest is one of Seven Regions of Witness for Peace (WFP). WFP is a national grassroots human rights organization that works in solidarity with peoples of Latin America to build a more just and humane US foreign policy towards the Americas.  It is a  non-profit, politically independent, grassroots organization that has been working since it’s founding in Nicaragua in 1983.  WFP currently has over 25,000 members in the U.S nationwide. There are 6 regions of Witness for Peace throughout the United States.The Southwest Region is a distinct 501c3 that works in collaboration with other Witness for Peace Regions, Witness for Peace National, our partners in Latin America and in coalition with solidarity groups in the U.S. Specifically. Our work focuses on ending military and economic violence in the Americas, focusing our work at this time especially on the Mexico/US border.

The Southwest region covers California, Arizona and New Mexico.We organize delegations to Latin America and the Caribbean focusing on particular themes and also we coordinate speaking tours of residents of our program-area countries to speak in our region. We also coordinate our regional membership to participate in WFP campaigns, building a strong grassroots network of local activists working to educate people about the effects of U.S. policy towards Latin America and the Caribbean and to advocate for changes in those unjust policies. We participate and mobilize political advocacy with elected officials when there is pressing legislation to the extent allowed by our 501c3 status.

What we stand for:

  • End US funding of military and police violence in the Americas.
  • End the failed drug wars
  • End Economic Violence of free trade agreements and neo-liberal economic policies
  • Stand for Sovereignty and the right of nations to chose their own destiny. No more US interventions.

How we do this:

Delegations – we take groups for short term 10 day study tours of the countries we are based so see first hand the impacts of US policies.

Speakers – we bring international speakers to tour the U.S to speak about their communities and countries,

Urgent Response Network – when human rights violations occur we mobilize our urgent response network to call and write letters to key government officials in human rights cases and emergencies.

Move Congress- we track US military funding and legislation that impacts Latin America and mobilize our members to lobby congress for better policies.

Organize and mobilize. We take actions from congressional lobbying to protests and rallies.

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