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Please donate today so that we can continue sending you congressional action alerts and urgent actions when human rights defenders come under threat in Latin America. These alerts can save lives. We also continue to build and educate a US grassroots movement through our delegations and speaking tours.

You can make an online donation here . Donations can also be mailed to WFPSW PO Box 61952 Santa Barbara, CA 93160. Donations over the phone can be made to (805)946-0678.

Ready to raise your commitment level? Monthly donation sustainers help to keep us running 12 months a year. Please consider becoming one today!

All donations are tax deductible.

You can donate online safely and securely through our PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to donate. Click on the Donate Button and follow the PayPal instructions for your donation. Any questions contact

In your donation notes you can dedicate your donation to a particular fund:

1. US/Mexico Border Delegation Fund

2. Honduras Emergency Fund

3. Venezuela Solidarity Fund

4. Youth Delegation Scholarships Fund

If you really love the work of Witness for Peace Southwest you can also consider leaving us a bequest.  Such generous donations in the past have helped leave a mark, sustaining our work for years.

Donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your support!



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